The test profile is conducted to understand the Arthritis history or the symptoms in a patient, as Arthritis can be confused with other ailments as the symptoms & signs are quite similar. The test can give a clear profile of Arthritis.
Arthritis Screening
Package Includes
Complete blood count, ESR, RA, ASO, CRP, Calcium, Uric Acid, ANA by IFA, Anti CCP Antibodies
Complete blood count, ESR, RA, ASO, CRP, Calcium, Uric Acid, ANA by IFA, Anti CCP Antibodies
The count of Red & White Blood cells, & also the Hematocrit & Haemoglobin tests to check the body’s ability to carry Oxygen. Low Hematocrit & Haemoglobin test results are often a result of Rhematoid Arthritis.