AMH Plus

The Anti-Mullerin hormone test is done to check the amount of AMH in the blood. Both in males & females AMH is responsible to make sperms & eggs respectively.


Package Includes
Thyroid Function test, FSH-LH-PRL, E2, Progesterone, AMH, Testosterone
Sample type- Blood
Working Hours – 8:00AM To 8:00PM
Tube type- Plain Fluoride

Package Includes

Thyroid Function test, FSH-LH-PRL, E2, Progesterone, AMH, Testosterone
The AMH test is conducted to understand & study the AMH levels in the blood sample which is responsible for the sperm production in males & producing of eggs in the females

Mini Pack


Basic Pack


Advance Pack


Advance With CA


The test is conducted to understand any fertility issues in the patient.
The blood samples is checked for AMH levels that are responsible for sperms & egg production in human bodies.
The test is essential for couples struggling with fertility issues & sperm or egg related problems.

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